Categories : A Culture of Listening Activites for Families Listening to Each Other Listening to God


A couple of years ago, I became captivated with the possibilities for our family if we could learn to really listen to God and to each other. We began intentionally listening as a way of life.
This focus informed our parenting, transformed our marriage, and launched us on the adventure of a lifetime. And it all started with a few simple games and activities.avivawoodHere’s one my husband invented:
Leap Before You Look
Everyone stands in a circle facing outward. The person who is “it” stands in the center and makes up a simple series of movements in place (like jumping jacks, clapping, slapping their knees, and
jumping) and repeats them again and again. Everyone listens for three or four repetitions and then tries to duplicate the movements with their eyes closed, using only the sound of the movements. Then
they open their eyes, turn to face the center, and see how close they were to the original sequence. Each person gets a turn being “it”. You can vary the difficulty level by adding more actions to the sequence, or doing actions that have less distinct sounds (for example, brushing your hand against your skin sounds slightly different than brushing it against your clothing).
Here are some benefits of this game:
• It fosters listening without being preachy. Nobody likes being told to listen, but everyone can
use the practice.
• It helps kids focus when their energy level is high and they need to transition to calmer
• It encourages creative problem solving. You’ll be amazed at all the different ways to vary the
sound of a simple action.
• It creates a low stakes environment to try things, make mistakes and laugh whether we get it
right or not.
This activity is fun on its own, or you can use it before any activity that requires careful attention. For example, it’s a great warm up for a time of listening prayer. Listening intently to the sounds around
you helps prepare your mind and body to focus on God.
Try this game with your family. What do you notice?

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